2700 S. Henderson Blvd,
Kilgore, TX 75662

Tel. (903) 984-3511

To: Family Members/Responsible Parties

To ensure the health and safety of our residents during COVID-19 outbreaks, Oakmont Guest Care Center has instituted strict infection control processes and protocols. With the emergence of the more contagious Delta variant, we are diligently adhering to the requirements of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We consistently monitor changes in local COVID-19 positivity rates and will continue to perform:

Symptom and temperature screenings of staff, residents and visitors
COVID-19 testing of staff and residents.
COVID-19 vaccination opportunities for residents and staff
Stringent disinfecting protocols
Ongoing COVID-19 prevention and care education as guidance and positivity rates change.
If you have further questions about how Oakmont’s caring, professional team assures the safety of our residents, please contact us.

Kind regards,

Arbor Grace Guest Care

Da det er kendt, at vasokonstriktor og vasotrofisk funktion af sympatiske nerver til en vis grad begrænser parasympatiske fibres vasodilatoriske evner, favoriserer besøg denne hjemmeside brugen af terapier med sympatolytiske egenskaber normalisering af den autonome tone i det sympatiske nervesystem og har en gavnlig effekt på den centrale hæmodynamiske tilstand.